Thursday, March 12, 2020

Editing blog

So Taylor I have finished all our filming. I filmed the majority of the film. Now we put a rough daft of it on iMovie. I went through and reviewed some transitions. So I had going to work on it in class. I was all ready to edit make it perfect. I walk into class a computer and sit down. Taylor logins in because we have been using her account all year. I pull out a snack cause school computer take a year to load up. After I finished my snack the computer was ready. I’m ready to get to work and I press pinnacle studies icon. It takes a awhile to load normally so I was ready for that. However as time went by I got hungry and ate again. By the time I finished that snack it still didn’t load. I cleared out my lunch box in one class. We tried four computers. They would not load the application. I fell the computer were against my group that day. So after trying to load pinnacle studies it finally happened. Now we go to load in the video it was being slow. Once it load the bell was about to ring. So I never got to edit that day. Hopefully it better next class.